Scientific Reasoning Research Institute - research en beatty-2008tlt2 <div class="pub-title">Teacher Learning of Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment</div> <div class="pub-authors">Beatty, Ian D. <br />Feldman, Allan <br />Leonard, William J. <br />Gerace, William J. <br />St. Cyr, Karen E. <br />Lee, Hyunju <br />Harris, Robby J.</div> <div class="pub-year">(2008)</div> <div class="pub-citation"><p>Conference paper accompanying a special symposium presented at the 2008 Annual International Conference of the US National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Baltimore, MD, Apr 01.</p> </div> <div class="pub-abstract"> <p><em>Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment</em> (TEFA) is a pedagogy for teaching with classroom response technology. <em>Teacher Learning of TEFA</em> is a five-year research project studying teacher change, in the context of an intensive professional development program designed to help science and mathematics teachers learn TEFA. First, we provide an overview of the project's participating teachers, its intervention (consisting of the technology, the pedagogy, and the professional development program), and its research design. Then, we present narratives describing the unfolding change process experienced by four teachers. Afterward, we present some preliminary findings of the research, describe a "model for the co-evolution of teacher and pedagogy" that we are developing, and identify general implications for professional development.</p> </div> <div class="pub-permalink"><span class="pub-field-label">Permalink(s):</span> <a href="">in ERIC database</a></div> <table id="attachments" class="sticky-enabled"> <thead><tr><th>Attachment</th><th>Size</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"><td><a href="">Full conference paper (PDF)</a></td><td>355.8 KB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> classroom response systems pedagogy research teacher professional development Wed, 09 Apr 2008 16:07:40 +0000 root 351 at