PD is sustained: a 3-year program for each cadre.
All teachers in each cadre are from the same school.
PD taught by project PIs, using & modeling TEFA pedagogy
Checking in: Teachers talk about how they are doing (with technology, with question design, with managing discussion, etc.), what they have been trying, and what is on their minds.
Sample question cycle: Instructors model how a typical PRS question/discussion/closure cycle might look, and introduce new question styles.
Theoretical underpinnings: Instructors provide some structure and pedagogical theory to help teachers understand TEFA pedagogy and apply it consistently.
Working on new questions: Teachers collaborate in small groups to develop questions for their own use during the upcoming week, and to get feedback on them.
Homework: After each meeting, teachers reflect on their practice (make a journal entry; read, summarize, and react to an article; predict what will happen when they ask a certain question in class; etc.).