
Students' reflections on an introductory physics course
Leonard, William J.
Gerace, William J.

Contributed paper at the American Association of Physics Teachers 1994 Summer Meeting, Notre Dame, IN, July 30 - August 3.

We have created a course format that emphasizes developing students' reasoning skills, structuring students' knowledge, and encouraging students to be self-aware and self- invested learners. An essential ingredient is a set of open-ended projects, which provide specific constraints, but which require students to define the problem and to make decisions about what aspect of the problem they should investigate. We will summarize the format of the course and give examples of materials used during the course. In particular, we will summarize and show examples of reflections of students on their experiences in the course, as expressed in written lectures to a hypothetical high-school physics class.

Conference paper (PDF)246.86 KB