Miller, Craig D.
Craig is the software project manager, software designer and developer for SRRI's Statistical Education Research Group. Craig has been the technical lead, primary programmer, and co-designer at SERG since 1999. He continues to be the wrangler of all collaborative technical contributions to SERG's National Science Foundation (NSF) projects. This includes TinkerPlots, TinkerZeum, Model Chance, and now Data Games.
Craig has been developing software applications for data analysis and visualization, computer graphics, animation, and education since graduating with a B.A. from Hampshire College in 1985. He has developed both professional-level data analysis tools (ADAPS: A Data Analysis Package and Programming System) as well as application tools for students (TinkerPlots, DataScope, Prob Sim, DG). He co-authored the interactive modeler for Specular/MetaCreations' award-winning Infini-D animation package, and was an engineer for Power Thinking Tools' multi-dimensional data analysis system.
Craig studies and attempts to solve practical problems of collaborative and agile software development, user interface design, and usability engineering. He enjoys understanding and explaining the quirks of computers, which reflect the quirks of both technology and its builders.
When not computing, he volunteers at a nearby meditation center, spends time with family (Lynn, Ivor, Ben, Sus).
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