Cliff Konold attended the DR-K12 PI meeting in Washington D.C.
Cliff Konold to Minneapolis to visit Joan Garfield’s group
Craig Miller and Cliff Konold at KCPT in Emeryville, CA, for the first all-staff meeting of the new Data Games project.
Cliff Konold delivered keynote address and leads 3 workshops on TinkerPlots at the 11th [New Zealand Mathematics Teachers Conference](http
Sandy Madden, assisted by Janine Manninen, taught the one week workshop, Teaching Data Analysis and Chance in Grades 5-8, at the UMass Amherst campus.
Data Games, our collaborative proposal with KCP Technologies, has been funded by the National Science Foundation. This work will lead to the development of TinkerPlots 3.0.
Cliff Konold and Anthony Harradine conducted sessions on TinkerPlots at the 3rd summer meeting of the StatSmart project in Melbourne, Aus
Cliff Konold and Anthony Harradine presented the paper “Contexts for Highlighting Signal and Noise” at SRTL-6 in Brisbane, Australia.
Craig Miller attended the UPA-Boston Eighth Annual User Experience Conference.
Working with Key Curriculum Press, SERG released a free upgrade to TinkerPlots, version 1.1.
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