whole class discussion


Stephens, A. Lynn & Clement, John J. (2015), "Use of physics simulations in whole class and small group settings: Comparative case studies", Computers & Education, 86, 137-156


Stephens, A. Lynn (2012), "\Student recognition of visual affordances: Supporting use of physics simulations in whole class and small group settings. (Doctoral Dissertation)", University of Massachusetts, Amherst. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 424 pages. Open Access Dissertations. Paper 668.


Stephens, A. Lynn (2011), "Hands on small-group vs. whole-class use of animations and simulations: Comparative case studies in projectile motion", Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Orlando, FL


Stephens, A. Lynn & Clement, John, J. (2006), "Running effective classroom thought experiments: What expert protocols and imagery indicators can tell us", Conference paper accompanying a poster presentation at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.


Stephens, A. Lynn & Clement, John J. (2006), "Evidence for dynamic imagery during model construction in classroom discussions", Poster presentation at American Association of Physics Teachers 2006 Summer Meeting (AAPT), Syracuse, NY.


Stephens, A. Lynn (2009), "Spontaneous and planned thought experiments during whole class discussions: Use of teacher- and student-generated TEs in high school science", Presentation at the International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching Group Tenth International Conference (IHPST), Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.


Stephens, A. Lynn & Vasu, Ileana & Clement, John, J. (2010), "Small group vs. whole class use of interactive computer simulations: Comparative case studies of matched high school physics classes", Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Philadelphia, PA.


Stephens, A. Lynn & Clement, John, J. (2012), "The role of thought experiments in science and science learning", In B. Fraser, K. Tobin, & C. McRobbie (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Science Education: Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol 24, Part 2 (pp. 157-175). Dordrecht: Springer.
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